How to get involved

There are many ways you can get involved and support us…

We are always happy to receive donations of money or food.
If you’ve got food to donate, please bring it to the grocers – it’ll make a huge difference to people’s lives.

Monetary donations can also be brought to the grocers or made online using the details below:

Charity: Reach Trust

Registered Charity No: 1080638

Account Name: EMCF

NB Please mark for Community Grocers project

Sort Code: 20-25-85

Account No: 00345954


For just £6 you can help a family by paying for a shop. For a £5 contribution you could provide membership for a year giving someone access to the shop, hub and courses for a whole year.

We have a great team of volunteers at our Grocers and Hub who run our courses, keep our shelves stocked, make tea and coffee, help out with collections and lots more. If you’d like to get involved, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us.